Synopsis: Based on a true story, 3 Sleeps features 9-year-old Casey, who lives on a tough London estate with her mother and two young sisters. Casey is sworn to secrecy when her mother leaves the girls home alone for the weekend, but navigating an adult world alone won’t be easy. Things take a turn for the worse when Casey’s youngest sister falls seriously ill, leaving her caught between protecting her mum or saving her sister’s life.
About the Director: Christopher is a narrative, figurative artist who has exhibited his painting in galleries around the world, including London’s National Portrait Gallery and MOMA in New York. After a decade of painting, he began to make documentary films. Christopher has been nominated for and won many major awards including BAFTAs, RTS awards and a Peabody. Christopher is a great storyteller who uses his painterly eye for composition and detail to capture real, natural and relatable moments.