Saturday, October 19th, 2019
Its been an incredible year for short film submissions, which made our official selection difficult to pick, and has made it even tougher to narrow them down to our category nominees. However after much deliberation, we’re excited to announce the award nominees for Norwich Film Festival 2019 are as followed:
Short Film Nominees:
- 3 Sleeps (Dir. Christopher Holt)
- Ashmina (Dir. Dekel Berenson)
- This Time Away (Dir. Magali Barbe)
- The Sea (Dir. Cameron Richards)
- Seven (Dir. James Morgan)
- Storm (Dir. Will Kindrick)
Short Documentary Nominees:
- Kamali (Dir. Sasha Rainbow)
- Lowland Kids (Dir. Sandra Winther)
- 73 Cows (Dir. Alex Lockwood)
- Little Miss Sumo (Dir. Matt Kay)
Animated Short Nominees:
- Daughter (Dir. Daria Kashcheeva)
- Obon (Dir. Andre Hörmann & Anna Samo)
- My Mother’s Eyes (Dir. Jenny Wright)
- The Bird and The Whale (Dir. Carol Freeman)
Student Short Nominees:
- Solar Plexus (Dir. David McShane)
- Eyeshadow (Dir. Manuel Morales)
- A Son Like Others (Dir. Antonio Sequeira)
- The Apricot Tree (Dir. Gideon van Eeden)
East Anglian Film Short Nominees:
- The Dead Ones (Dir. Stefan Georgiou)
- Stalker (Dir. Christopher Andrews)
- Love Have I known (Dir. Gregory Nice)
- The Ferryman (Dir. Naomi Evans)
Posted in: News